Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14th 2014

Conversations with a Co-Worker:

CW: I'm not taking anymore days off, so I can have a vacation this summer. Don't let me take anymore days off.
Me: So, you want me to tell you that you're being dramatic when you call in and don't want to be here because the wax smell is pungent?
CW: I didn't want to take any chances, you know, with my nose.
 Me: Oh I know. Your nose. It's sensitive.

Conversations with a Co-Worker:

CW: Oh, what smells so lovely?
Me: Well, CE and I are eating lunch early.
CW: mmmm - what do you have?
Me: Taco Salad.
CW: Oh, that's not what I smell, that cannot possibly smell good.
Me: Well, it's not frat boy soup .. but I'm enjoying it.

Conversations With a Co-Worker:

CW: You need to stop eating wheat.
Me: I can't - I'm addicted.
CW: It's seriously bad for you.
Me: All the good things - generally are. Sex, Drugs & Rock N Roll ... All Good Things, All Bad For You.
CW: .......... anyway, enjoy your snack

Conversations with a Co-Worker:

Me: (to another co-worker{3}) What's his name and contact info - I'll make *him* cry. No One Makes CW2 Cry! No One!
CW: You're so cute when you're angry.
Me: That's how I catch my victims off guard. They see me and think "ohhh she's so cute, there's no way she posts about me all over the internet. no way I'm the fodder of her friends laughter" They'd Be Wrong.
CW: ha, the internet. I hate that thing, I wish it'd never been invented. What's it even really good for?
Me: So Many Things.

Conversations With a Co-Worker:

CW: I am so glad my headache seems to have eased.
Me: Wonderful news, I still have one plaguing me.
CW: To be honest, I don't think it was a headache really, I think it was the flu that manifested in my body as a migraine.
Me: Really? That's funny. my headache is morphing into a pain in my ass.

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